13 Questions Music tag!

I found this tag floating around on tumblr and thought it would be kind of fun to do, hopefully it’ll give you guys a more in depth understanding of my music taste! I tag everyone and anyone who wants to give it a shot

  1. What was the last song you listened to? 33″GOD”-Bon Iver
  2. Put your music library on shuffle, what is the 1st song to come on? Potion Approaching- Arctic Monkeys
  3. Name 3 of your favorite songs right now. 7 -Catfish and the Bottlemen, Ivy -Frank Ocean, Youth- Glass Animals
  4. What was the last album you bought? I use spotify, but I collect vinyl. The last one I bought was Bella Donna by Stevie Nicks. Unfortunately, the entire A side is scratched 😦
  5. Who would you say is your “guilty pleasure”? One Direction, can’t deny it
  6. What was the first album you ever bought? Funny story, when I was a kid my parents took my brother and me to a diner, and they had one of those claw game machines. I didn’t get anything, but my brother somehow grabbed onto a Cher’s Greatest Hits CD. I listened to that thing RELENTLESSLY for months.
  7. Are you going to any concerts soon? I was supposed to see Glass Animals on Thursday night, but my plans fell through 😦 I’m seeing CATB 10/18 and I’m PUMPED.
  8. What song would you most like your favorite artist to do a cover of? I think if CATB covered Friday I’m in Love by The Cure I would actually need to be hospitalized.
  9. What is your favorite band of all time? The Cure
  10. What is your favorite band right now? Catfish and the Bottlemen
  11. What song do you love singing really loud? 7 -Catfish and the Bottlemen
  12. Quote one of your favorite lyrics. Dismal as this is, “It’s easier for me to get closer to heaven than ever feel whole again” Disintegration -The Cure (totally getting it’s own blog post soon).
  13. Do you listen to music everyday? Honestly, every second I have to myself is spent with headphones in


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